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Description: The data portal provides access to questionnaire and data code books as well as data  on democracy, governance, economic conditions, and related issues in Algeria .  Available data on are in Microsoft Word format, PDF and SAV. The data portal has a data analysis tool that can be used for online analysis of the datasets.

Publishing Organization: Afrobarometer

Description: The repository contains datasets on the country’s agriculture, population, GDP, energy, education, crime, healthcare, tourism, poverty and food security. Data can be downloaded as interactive charts or converted into other file formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Publishing Organization: Statistics Department, African Development Bank Group

Global Roads Open Access Data Set (gROADS), v1 (1980 – 2010)

A-Z List of Repositories
Description:  The Africa Centre for Population Health has an extensive longitudinal database of demographic, social, medical and economic information about its surveillance area, northern KwaZulu-Natal rural area. Data can be access in audio and document file formats. It also has a YouTube channel for Videos. It focuses on HIV, TB and related diseases.  Users need to register on the data portal to access datasets. Publishing Organization: Africa Centre for Population Health
Description:  The African Economic Outlook (AEO) presents the current state of economic and social development in Africa and projects the outlook for two years. The AEO is a product of collaborative work by three international partners: the African Development Bank, the OECD Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme. The website provides comprehensive and comparable data and analysis of 54 African economies. Publishing Organization:  The African Economic Outlook
Description: The APHRC microdata portal is a repository of metadata and documentation of qualitative and quantitative datasets from research studies that have been conducted by the Centre since its inception. Students, researchers and other data users can have access to information on all available datasets at APHRC. Largely, the database contains research datasets from Africa, especially Kenya. Publishing Organization: APHRC
Description:   AGRODEP contains dispersed and disparate statistical, economic, and geo-spatial data from Africa accessed via a central data portal. It links existing key data sources, complements them as necessary, and develops shared standards, formats, and exchange protocols that facilitate access by Consortium members to high quality and consistent datasets. AGRODEP also provides data quality checking and certification. Publishing Organization: African Growth and Development Policy Modeling Consortium
Description: The database contains data, charts, figures and datasets on the country’s AIDs Impact survey, family health survey, house and income expenditure, labour force, population and housing and the informal sector. Publishing Organization: Central Statistics office, Botswana
Description:  The Bouira University Digital Space offers researchers; free downloadable files, doctoral, master thesis with their datasets, proceedings of scientific conferences and scientific articles of high level in different technological and literary disciplines. The information products are presented in the Arabic language. Publishing Organization:  Open EI
Description: The repository provides access to datasets on surveys conducted in South Africa and other Africa Countries. It also has an online guide on data usage. The datasets provided by the portal may be Public Use Data (available immediately), Licensed Data (downloadable from an email link that will be sent to the user) or Secure Data available via a Secure Data Service. Links to other African dataset are also provided by the site.
Description: The repository contains data charts and figures on health, government, politic, social issues, climate, population and housing from Ethiopia. Publishing Organization: Central Statistical Agency
Description: The World Health organization’s data repository containing health-related statistics for more than 1000 indicators for its 194 member states. Data are organized to monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Publishing Organization: Congo-WHO Regional office for Africa
Description: The database contains data charts, figures and datasets on the country’s economy, sexual minority, HID/AIDS, demographic and reproductive health survey, parental behaviour and trade. The data portal is presented in the Portuguese. Publishing Organization: National Statistics Institute, Guinea Bissau
Description: The repository contains health and demographic indicators from Africa, Asia and Oceania. It provides researchers, government officials and policymakers, among others, health and demographic information that guide their decision-making. These include birth and death rates, age-specific, fertility and death rates, infant, child, and five mortality rates, as well as numerous other health and demographic indicators. The indices can be displayed either by a centre over time, or across multiple centres. Publishing Organization: INDEPTH Network

Country: The African countries covered are Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda
Description: The database contains data on the country’s trade, Artisanal mining and large-scale mining. Users need to register on the data portal to access datasets. Publishing Organization: Government of Liberia
Description: The database contains data charts and figures on the country’s population, GDP, Agriculture and Food sector, social, demographics and economic statistics. The data portal is presented in the French. Publishing Organization: National Statistics Office Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Description: The repository contains datasets on the country’s agriculture, population, GDP, energy, education, health and food security. Data can be downloaded as interactive charts or converted into other file formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Publishing Organization: Statistics Department, African Development Bank Group
Description: The database provides access to data Morocco’s population, agriculture, GDP, labour, tourism economic/finance and education. Data can be downloaded or converted into other file formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Publishing Organization: Government of Morocco
Description: The database contains data charts, figures, datasets and links to external datasets on the country’s demographic and health survey, house and income expenditure, labour force, population and housing. Publishing Organization: Namibia Statistical Agency
Description: The database contains data charts on population, health, education, economic and social indictors, foreign trade, production and prices. The portal offers access to features for analysing, visualizing, and reporting statistical data for Nigeria and its 36 states. The portal’s features works better when viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer. It only presents a graphical representation of the datasets. It does not offer access to raw data files. Publishing Organization: National bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
Description: The repository contains datasets on Mali’s population, public health, employment rate and environment. The datasets are in CSV, SHTML, TXT, JSON, XLSX, and KMZ format. Publishing Organization: United Nations OCHA
Description: The renewable energy development center offers access to dataset from its research catalogue, scientific reviews and documents. Its information and studies are located in Saharan desert countries. Publishing Organization: Renewable Energy Development Center, Algeria
Description: The database contains interactive tables, charts and maps on gender issues in Sierra Leone. Publishing Organization: Government of Sierra Leone
Description: The database contains data charts, figures and dataset on health, government, politic, social issues, climate, population and housing from Somalia. Publishing Organization: Central Statistical Agency
Description: The Data Portal provides access to datasets in South Africa’s Data Archives. It allows online searching by author, title, subject and date. Datasets can be ordered from SADA by using an order form provided on the website. Publishing Organization: National Research Foundation
Description: The repository contains datasets from South Sudan on population, household surveys, health and economic indicators. Publishing Organization: National Institute of Statistics,
Description: The repository contains data charts of surveys on population, household surveys, health and economy indicators conducted in South Sudan. Publishing Organization: Central Bureau of Statistics,
Description: The repository contains datasets, links to external datasets, charts, maps, files and documents on health, government, politic, social issues, climate, population and housing from Sudan.. Publishing Organization: Central Bureau of Statistics,
Description: The database contains data, interactive tables, charts and maps on the country’s, population, health, education, water, tourism and agriculture in the country. Publishing Organization: e-Government Agency
Description: The database contains data, interactive tables, charts and maps on the country’s, health, education, census, energy, PEPFAR project and other projects in the country. Publishing Organization: Fruits of Thought
Description: The repository contains data on the country’s agriculture, population, GDP, energy, education, health, socio-economic indicators , governance and food security. Data can be downloaded as interactive charts or converted into other file formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Publishing Organization: National Statistics Department, Tunisia
Description: The database contains data charts, figures and datasets on health, rural   electrification, household surveys, social issues, population and housing from Uganda. Publishing Organization: Ugandan Bureau of Statistic
Description: The database contains interactive tables, charts, maps and research datasets about the Water and Sanitation facilities in Sierra Leone. Publishing Organization: Ministry of Water Resources, Sierra Leone
Description: This is a World Bank data catalog for Africa. It presents data files of World Bank’s activities in the African region.. Publishing Organization: World Bank
Description: The repository contains datasets from different countries across Africa and the rest of the world. The datasets can be exported and visualized using Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Adobe Acrobat Reader and PNG format. Publishing Organization: National Institute of Statistics of each country and Knoema
Description: The database contains data charts, figures and datasets on the country’s population, education, mortality, unemployment and inflation. Publishing Organization: Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency
Description: The database contains interactive tables, charts, maps and research datasets on agriculture, population, mortality, health, public health and social issues about African countries like Mali, Sudan, Gabon, Togo, Morocco, Niger Egypt, Gambia, Somalia Nigeria, Algeria, Libya Mauritania etc. Publishing Organization: Islamic Development Bank

Country: Mali, Sudan, Gabon, Togo, Morocco, Niger Egypt, Gambia, Somalia Nigeria, Algeria, Libya Mauritania
Description: World Bank database provides data on Population, World development, worldwide Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product indicators for countries in Africa and other continents. The database contains datasets on Climate, Projects & Operations, Microdata, Finances and many other topics. Publishing Organization: World Bank